Meet Isaiah

What he’s passionate about: leadership, public speaking, poetry, giving back to the community


When you meet Isaiah, you can’t help but feel good about the future. As a matter of fact, one Rowan-Salisbury team member said she felt like she might have just met our future president—and a great one at that. A local newspaper reporter said that if you close your eyes as Isaiah speaks, you would think you’re listening to a seasoned activist.

Isaiah is a Rowan-Salisbury senior and living proof that every student can accomplish any goal they set for themselves. As Isaiah puts it:

“I looked in the mirror and saw a man who could change his world.”

Isaiah’s accomplishments are already lengthy.

He’s a Broyhill Scholar and Catawba College Scholarship recipient through Service Above Self Youth Awards. He’s attended Boys State, Harvard Summer School and the World Affairs Seminar through Salisbury Rotary. Throughout his time at Rowan-Salisbury Schools, he’s also taken prominent roles in the Crosby Scholars, Environmental Club, Youth Council and Men of IMPACT (Inspiring Males and Promoting Achievement, Character and Trust) Brotherhood.

Now, the teenager is planning for his next step: college. He’s been accepted to every school he’s applied to, including Harvard, Howard, Stanford and UNC-Wilmington. While he hasn’t made a decision yet, he did set his sights on Stanford after someone told him he couldn’t make it happen. Isaiah plans to pursue a degree in Political Science & Law.

Once he graduates, his dream is to give back to his community.

When talking about his accomplishments, Isaiah thanks his mom for being “the reason why I am who I am.”

This thoughtful, motivated young man shows that through hard work, dedication—and the right education supports—you can accomplish anything.

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